Mental Health - A Pandemic

 1 in 7 Indians Face Mental Health Challenges - that's over 150 million people. This number is increasing at the rate of 20-30%. These stats amply justify it being termed as a 'pandemic' - what then prevents us from treating it with the same degree of seriousness as we did Covid ?

Well, for starters, "It won't spread to me from another affected person"

While that seems accurate at first glance, a deeper examination reveals that the presence of people around us suffering in some way from Mental Disorders, does have a lot of effect in how our families, workplaces, institutions, and the system around us operates. Just to add a little perspective - beliefs, stigmas, opinions, coping mechanisms, parenting styles, workplace dynamics, educational practices, lifestyle choices —all aspects of life that depend on people—are directly or indirectly shaped by the presence of mental disorders.

"Okay, but does it have the same mortality impact as Covid? Surely not!"

Each year, 150,000 Indians tragically lose their lives to suicide. The WHO estimates 10% of India’s disease burden stems from untreated mental health disorders, including those that can be fatal. While these figures highlight a direct connection to mental health issues, there are also numerous fatal incidents indirectly linked to triggers stemming from mental disorders.

"Alright, I suppose we should take this seriously, it something to consider today?"

Maybe you're thinking... what doesn’t kill us...

No, it doesn’t always make us stronger. It can gradually weaken us, leading eventually to a situation where we have a looming question - "Where did it all start going wrong?"

"I see your point, how can I start to take positive steps towards Mental Health?"

Begin by refusing to contribute to the stigma—75% of individuals with mental health disorders are discouraged from seeking help due to societal stigma.

Engage with channels that provide mental health resources—may I suggest Inner Ray (hehe)

All that being said, no matter how much we talk about the crisis a declining Mental Health is going to cause - the realization in the masses is going to be gradual - why ? people tend to care only when someone around them is affected. It's a sad reality but we have to take it into account. While that realization is in the back of our heads, we will continue to be the voice constantly reminding - Your Mental Health matters.


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