
Showing posts from October, 2024

People should not have to become a case for prioritising Mental Health

"People should not have to become a case for prioritising Mental Health" I read a post on LinkedIn today, about a person losing a friend to Heart Attack. The Heart Attack could be traced back to the stress caused by the number of hours the person had to work everyday to meet the requirements of their role. There was a comment in that post where another person shared her experience of having suffered from a heart attack due to work related stress and how a timely CPR gave her a second chance at life. In her second life she knew to draw boundaries, so that she didn't have to pay for her work place demands with her life.  It made me wonder, while some people are fortunate enough to have warnings about the consequences of not prioritising Mental Health, others pay with their life to become a perspective shifter for others. I thought to myself - "People should not have to become a case for prioritising Mental Health" As each day I delve deeper into understanding the ...

Mental Health - A Pandemic

  1 in 7 Indians Face Mental Health Challenges - that's over 150 million people. This number is increasing at the rate of 20-30%. These stats amply justify it being termed as a 'pandemic' - what then prevents us from treating it with the same degree of seriousness as we did Covid ? Well, for starters, "It won't spread to me from another affected person" While that seems accurate at first glance, a deeper examination reveals that the presence of people around us suffering in some way from Mental Disorders, does have a lot of effect in how our families, workplaces, institutions, and the system around us operates. Just to add a little perspective - beliefs, stigmas, opinions, coping mechanisms, parenting styles, workplace dynamics, educational practices, lifestyle choices —all aspects of life that depend on people—are directly or indirectly shaped by the presence of mental disorders. "Okay, but does it have the same mortality impact as Covid? Surely not!...

The Lost Art of Perseverance

  I first watched Shawshank redemption about a decade back because of the hype, and didn't really take in all the messages it had to share. I knew I had to rewatch it. Few years back I had the opportunity to do that but it was 2am when my friends put it on, and I just fell asleep a few minutes in - I know, Sacrilegious! To redeem myself of that sin, I was finally able to watch it today! (thanks to a reel about the movie that reminded me of it) It truly is a moving movie in many ways. What grabbed my attention though, was how long it takes for "hope" to do its thing - the years of perseverance...and boy can it be demotivating in regard to wanting to hold onto hope. Good things take time but bad comes swiftly. Creation takes time, but destruction is quick. That which is good for the body usually tastes bad, and bad... almost always good. I've questioned this nature of reality often, why we free-fall into bad, but we have to climb a ladder against natural forces towa...